The last Full Moon of the astrological year that is ending soon is ahead of us. It will take place on March 14 at 07:54 in the sign of Virgo. The reading of its energy will appear on the channel on Sunday evening, and now a few sentences about this phase of the Moon. This is the Full Moon of Storms, also known as the Raven Full Moon. And unfortunately, it really does promise to be stormy. But let's take it one step at a time. First of all, the light of this Moon will show us what "obstacles" lie on this final stretch leading to spring, making it difficult to implement plans and fulfill dreams. It's time for a Big Cleanup. In personal life, professional life, relationships. In the heart and in the head. However, we can count on the fact that the meticulous Virgo will support us now with her willpower and consistency. This is quite important, because with the Sun in the sign of Pisces, our emotions and thoughts will often be filled with extraordinary inspirations, so the earthly energy of Virgo will come in handy, giving them specific shapes. In this way, the ideas that appeared during the New Moon in Pisces and earlier, during the New Moon in the sign of Aquarius, will take on more tangible shapes. This does not change the fact that during this period, the energy of the Sun will call us to follow our hearts, and paradoxically, the Lunar vibrations will make us realize how to translate these beautiful visions into specific actions. This is of course because what Pisces represents symbolizes our dreams, and Virgo is already associated with the practical aspect of their realization. It is a bit unusual, but that is how it is at the end of the astrological year.
But although the Full Moon in this zodiac sign brings the need to organize everything that is messy, it is worth remembering that not everything has to be perfect right away. So open yourselves to the realization of your dreams, at the same time entrusting Virgo with the way to realize them, but do it in small steps. This will be the most effective way to achieve your goal. So when you feel tired in the rush of events, thoughts or feelings, do not give up, just take a break.
Why do I draw your attention not to let anything go now and not to run away from the necessary "cleaning up"? Because firstly, this Full Moon will be a summary of the past half-year, as during the New Moon in this zodiac sign we began the last, or Ninth year of the universal cycle. We will now see to what extent the goals we undertook at that time have been achieved and, more importantly, what we still have to deal with by September, before the First Year of the new cycle begins. Unfortunately, these will not always be satisfactory conclusions... It may even turn out that something has to be done "yesterday", something has to be dealt with from one day to the next, or that someone has forgotten something important to us. And secondly, the lunar eclipse accompanying this Full Moon, as well as its opposition to Saturn, representing the passage of time and settling accounts with the past, will make us realize in an uncomfortable way what has escaped our attention altogether or what we have trivialized, and now has become a problem. As if that wasn't enough, the next day Mercury will go retrograde for three weeks, which will make it difficult for us to implement the resolutions we made during the Full Moon for some time. However, don't be too hard on yourself or others. This is a Stormy Full Moon, but after every storm the sky clears up again and new opportunities appear. It will be no different this time. The Moon's trine to Uranus and the Sun's sextile to this planet of all kinds of revolutions, small and large, will make us find the right path. Especially since in the evening of the day of the Full Moon's refinement the Moon will enter the sign of Libra and although we will feel the energy of these difficult aspects for another two or three days, the emotions will subside and we will regain common sense. So I wish you successful tidying up during this Full Moon and the release of all the chaos in your life.